We’re pleased to announce the launch of the perFORM 2015 Building Design Competition, a contest challenging emerging architectural professionals to design a net zero energy, mixed-use building that fuses high performance building with high design. Registration is open now, with submissions due by June 19, 2015.
perFORM 2015 builds on last year’s inaugural perFORM 2014 competition, won by University of Oregon architectural student Cameron Huber, with recognition also awarded to four runners-up. Learn more about perFORM in this video about last year’s competition:
While perFORM 2014 focused on the design of a single family home, this year’s competition jumps up in building scale and energy requirement, calling for architectural students and interns to design a net zero energy, mixed-use, multifamily building for a site in the heart of Portland, Oregon.
This competition’s purpose is threefold:
1. Demonstrate that high performance building and high design are inherently complementary and that by fusing the two we can create buildings of unsurpassed beauty and efficiency.
2. Show that net zero energy use is practical for larger, multistory buildings.
3. Support emerging architects in their development as designers of high performance buildings.
Group and individual entries will be judged based on the criteria of resourcefulness, replicability, and beauty, with consideration also given to adaptability and the triple bottom line. The perFORM jury, made up of leading Northwest design educators, practitioners, and builders, will distribute $6,000 in cash awards to award winners, who will also see their work displayed online, in print, and as part of public displays in Portland and Seattle.
Professor Peter Keyes of the Department of Architecture at the University of Oregon will serve as perFORM advisor for the competition, helping to guide competition design and managing the jury process.
For detailed guidelines, visit: https://hammerandhand.com/perform/design-competition/guidelines/.
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