Nothing "passive" about this open house!

Excitement filled the walls at the Glasswood commercial Passive House retrofit open house.

Flashing cameras, social mingling, and cold drinks. The only thing missing was the red carpet…or any carpet for that matter. Last night, Hammer and Hand hosted an open house at our Glasswood commercial Passive House retrofit to show and explain the work that is being done on this pioneering project as well as conduct a blower door test to measure the air tightness of the structure.

Hammer & Hand employees, Scott | Edwards Architecture designers, and Passive House enthusiasts alike gathered to take in the completion of the air barrier, the glow of the green SIGA tape, the German engineered heat recovery ventilation unit (HRV), and, of course, the refreshments.  The climax of the evening was Skylar Swinford’s blower door test, which yielded an impressive reading of 0.36 ach50 (well below the 0.6 ach50 requirement for Passive House certification!).

Check out the video below to hear Hammer & Hand co-owner Sam Hagerman’s brief presentation from last night’s event!

– Jeff

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